All-Suture Anchor Repair of the Flexor Digitorum Profundus Insertion: A Biomechanical Comparison of 2 Suturing Techniques.

All-Suture Anchor Repair of the Flexor Digitorum Profundus Insertion: A Biomechanical Comparison of 2 Suturing Techniques. - 2022

Available in print through MWHC library: 1999 - 2002, Available online from MWHC library: 1995 - present

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The H + K technique combines the benefits of horizontal-mattress tendon-to-bone apposition and Krackow-tendon locking. It converts the point of failure to the bone level rather than the suture-tendon level. Copyright © 2022 American Society for Surgery of the Hand. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. CONCLUSIONS: The H + K group performed significantly better regarding cyclic and load-to-failure testing after FDP reattachment. METHODS: We used fresh, matched-pair, cadaveric hands. We disarticulated the fingers at the proximal interphalangeal joints, preserving the proximal FDP. We released the FDPs at their distal insertion and placed an all-suture, 1.0-mm anchor at the center of each FDP footprint. Each anchor's sutures were used to reattach each FDP using 1 of 2 techniques: group H (n = 14) via horizontal mattress; group H + K (n = 12) via horizontal mattress with knots thrown and, with each suture tail, 3 proximal, running-locking, Krackow-type passes on the radial and ulnar FDP sides with the suture ends tied together. We excluded 2 specimens from the H + K group because of improper anchor placement. All other fingers in both groups were individually mounted in an MTS machine for FDP loading in the following sequence for 500 cycles each: (1) to 15 N to simulate passive motion forces; (2) to 19 N for short-arc active motion forces; and (3) to 28 N for full active motion forces. Specimens that had not failed during cyclic testing were then loaded to failure. We measured FDP-to-bone gapping via a digital transducer. We defined failure as >3-mm gapping. PURPOSE: We compared 2 suturing techniques for reattachment of the flexor digitorum profundus (FDP) via all-suture anchor. RESULTS: The H + K group had significantly less gapping during cyclic loading up to 19 N and significantly higher load to failure. The H + K group failed exclusively at the anchor-bone level; the H group failed mostly by suture-tendon pullout.



10.1016/j.jhsa.2022.05.003 [doi] S0363-5023(22)00262-3 [pii]


Curtis National Hand Center

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