The Impact of Prior Authorization Review on Orthopaedic Subspecialty Care: A prospective multicenter analysis. - 2023

Available online from MWHC library: 1995 - present, Available in print through MWHC library:2004 - 2007

BACKGROUND: Prior authorization review (PAR), in the United States, is a process that was initially intended to focus on hospital admissions and costly high-acuity care. Over time, payors have broadened the scope of PAR to include imaging studies, prescriptions, and routine treatment. The potential detrimental effect of PAR on healthcare has recently been brought into the limelight, but its impact on orthopedic subspecialty care remains unclear. This study investigated the denial rate, the duration of care delay, and the administrative burden of PAR on orthopedic subspecialty care. CONCLUSION: This is the largest prospective analysis to date of the impact of PAR on orthopedic subspecialty care in the United States. Nearly all PAR requests are eventually approved when recommended by orthopedic subspecialists, despite requiring significant resource utilization and delaying care. Current PAR practices constitute an unnecessary process that increases administrative burden and negatively impacts access to orthopedic subspecialty care. As healthcare shifts to value-based care, PAR should be called into question, as it does not seem to add value but potentially negatively impacts cost and timeliness of care. Copyright © 2023. Published by Elsevier Inc. METHODS: A prospective, multicenter study was performed analyzing the PAR process. Orthopedic shoulder and/or sports subspecialty practices from six states monitored payor-mandated PAR during the course of providing routine patient care. The insurance carrier (traditional Medicare, managed Medicare, Medicaid, commercial, worker's compensation or government payor (i.e. Tricare, VA), location of service, rate of approval/ denial, time to approval/ denial, and administrative time required to complete process were all recorded and evaluated. RESULTS: Of 1,065 total PAR requests, we found a 1.5% (16/1065) overall denial rate for advanced imaging or surgery when recommended by an orthopedic subspecialist. Commercial and Medicaid insurance resulted in a small but statistically significantly higher rate of denial compared to traditional Medicare, managed Medicare, worker's compensation, or governmental insurance (p < 0.001). The average administrative time spent on a single PAR was 19.5 minutes, and patients waited an average of 2.2 days to receive initial approval. Managed Medicare, commercial insurance, worker's compensation, and Medicaid required approximately 3 to 4 times more administrative time to process a PAR than to traditional Medicare or other governmental insurance (p<0.001). After controlling for the payor, we identified a significant difference in approval/denial based on geographic location (p<0.001). An appeal resulted in a relatively low rate of subsequent denial (20%). However, approximately a third of all appeals remained in limbo for 30 days or more after the initial request.



10.1016/j.jse.2023.10.004 [doi] S1058-2746(23)00821-2 [pii]


MedStar Union Memorial Hospital

Orthopaedic Surgery

Journal Article