Lower Extremity Injury Rates on Artificial Turf Versus Natural Grass Playing Surfaces: A Systematic Review.

MedStar author(s):
Citation: American Journal of Sports Medicine. 51(6):1615-1621, 2023 05.PMID: 35593739Institution: MedStar Union Memorial HospitalDepartment: Orthopaedic Surgery | Orthopaedic Surgery ResidencyForm of publication: Journal ArticleMedline article type(s): Journal ArticleSubject headings: *Ankle Injuries | *Athletic Injuries | *Football | *Knee Injuries | *Soccer | Ankle Injuries/ep [Epidemiology] | Ankle Injuries/et [Etiology] | Athletic Injuries/co [Complications] | Athletic Injuries/et [Etiology] | Football/in [Injuries] | Humans | Knee Injuries/co [Complications] | Lower Extremity/in [Injuries] | Poaceae | Soccer/in [Injuries] | Year: 2023Local holdings: Available online from MWHC library: 1995 - present, Available in print through MWHC library: 1999 - 2006ISSN:
  • 0363-5465
Name of journal: The American journal of sports medicineAbstract: BACKGROUND: No study has provided a comprehensive systematic review of sports injuries on artificial turf versus natural grass.CONCLUSION: The available body of literature suggests a higher rate of foot and ankle injuries on artificial turf, both old-generation and new-generation turf, compared with natural grass. High-quality studies also suggest that the rates of knee injuries and hip injuries are similar between playing surfaces, although elite-level football athletes may be more predisposed to knee injuries on artificial turf compared with natural grass. Only a few articles in the literature reported a higher overall injury rate on natural grass compared with artificial turf, and all of these studies received financial support from the artificial turf industry.METHODS: A systematic review of the English-language literature was performed according to PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) guidelines. All included articles compared overall injury rates or lower extremity (hip, knee, or foot and ankle) injury rates on artificial turf and natural grass. All sports, levels of competition, and turf types were included. Studies were excluded if they did not include overall injury rates or lower extremity injury rates. Because of the heterogeneity of the included studies, no attempt was made to aggregate risk ratios to conduct a quantitative meta-analysis.PURPOSE: To comprehensively examine the risk of overall injuries and multiple types of lower extremity injuries across all sports, all levels of competition, and on both old-generation and new-generation artificial turf.RESULTS: A total of 53 articles published between 1972 and 2020 were identified for study inclusion. Most studies on new-generation turf (13/18 articles) found similar overall injury rates between playing surfaces. When individual anatomic injury locations were analyzed, the greatest proportion of articles reported a higher foot and ankle injury rate on artificial turf compared with natural grass, both with old-generation (3/4 articles) and new-generation (9/19 articles) turf. Similar knee and hip injury rates were reported between playing surfaces for soccer athletes on new-generation turf, but football players, particularly those at high levels of competition, were more likely to sustain a knee injury on artificial turf than on natural grass.STUDY DESIGN: Systematic review; Level of evidence, 3.All authors: Gould HP, Guyton GP, Lostetter SJ, Samuelson EROriginally published: American Journal of Sports Medicine. :3635465211069562, 2022 May 20Original year of publication: 2022Fiscal year: FY2023Fiscal year of original publication: | FY2022 | | Original title: Lower Extremity Injury Rates on Artificial Turf Versus Natural Grass Playing Surfaces: A Systematic Review.Digital Object Identifier: ORCID: Date added to catalog: | 2022-07-06
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Available online from MWHC library: 1995 - present, Available in print through MWHC library: 1999 - 2006

BACKGROUND: No study has provided a comprehensive systematic review of sports injuries on artificial turf versus natural grass.

CONCLUSION: The available body of literature suggests a higher rate of foot and ankle injuries on artificial turf, both old-generation and new-generation turf, compared with natural grass. High-quality studies also suggest that the rates of knee injuries and hip injuries are similar between playing surfaces, although elite-level football athletes may be more predisposed to knee injuries on artificial turf compared with natural grass. Only a few articles in the literature reported a higher overall injury rate on natural grass compared with artificial turf, and all of these studies received financial support from the artificial turf industry.

METHODS: A systematic review of the English-language literature was performed according to PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) guidelines. All included articles compared overall injury rates or lower extremity (hip, knee, or foot and ankle) injury rates on artificial turf and natural grass. All sports, levels of competition, and turf types were included. Studies were excluded if they did not include overall injury rates or lower extremity injury rates. Because of the heterogeneity of the included studies, no attempt was made to aggregate risk ratios to conduct a quantitative meta-analysis.

PURPOSE: To comprehensively examine the risk of overall injuries and multiple types of lower extremity injuries across all sports, all levels of competition, and on both old-generation and new-generation artificial turf.

RESULTS: A total of 53 articles published between 1972 and 2020 were identified for study inclusion. Most studies on new-generation turf (13/18 articles) found similar overall injury rates between playing surfaces. When individual anatomic injury locations were analyzed, the greatest proportion of articles reported a higher foot and ankle injury rate on artificial turf compared with natural grass, both with old-generation (3/4 articles) and new-generation (9/19 articles) turf. Similar knee and hip injury rates were reported between playing surfaces for soccer athletes on new-generation turf, but football players, particularly those at high levels of competition, were more likely to sustain a knee injury on artificial turf than on natural grass.

STUDY DESIGN: Systematic review; Level of evidence, 3.


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