How Prospective Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Trainees Rank Residency Training Programs. - 2017

BACKGROUND: From the inception of the National Resident Matching Program, multiple studies have investigated the factors applicants consider important to ranking prospective residency programs. However, only two previous studies focused on prospective physical medicine and rehabilitation (PM&R) trainees, and the most recent of these studies was published in 1993. It is unknown whether these previous studies are reflective of current prospective PM&R residents. CONCLUSION: Prospective PM&R residents highly value subjective perceptions of prospective PM&R training programs and the ability to obtain hands-on procedural experience. Copyright (c) 2017 American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. DESIGN: An anonymous, voluntary questionnaire. MAIN OUTCOME MEASUREMENTS: Means and standard deviations were calculated for items included in the survey. METHODS: All applicants to our PM&R residency program were invited to participate in a 44-item, 5-point Likert-based questionnaire. Applicants were asked to rate the importance of various factors as they related to constructing their residency rank list. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to assess various factors that contribute to prospective PM&R residents' decision making in choosing a residency program and compare these findings to previous studies. PARTICIPANTS: All applicants to a single PM&R residency program. RESULTS: A response rate of 26% was obtained, with the responses of 98 applicants (20%) ultimately analyzed. The highest rated factors included "perceived happiness of current residents," "opportunities for hands-on procedure training," "perceived camaraderie amongst current residents," "perceived camaraderie amongst faculty and current residents," "perceived quality of current residents," and "perceived work/life balance amongst current residents." While males and females demonstrated similar ranking preferences, an apparent difference was detected between how genders rated the importance of "whether the program projects a favorable environment for women" and "whether the program projects a favorable environment for minorities." As compared to previous PM&R applicants, current prospective trainees seem to place greater importance on skill acquisition over didactic teaching. SETTING: A single PM&R residency program.



MedStar National Rehabilitation Network

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