Obesity in adults is associated with reduced lung function in metabolic syndrome and diabetes: the Strong Heart Study. MedStar authors:
Year: 2011
Citation: - Diabetes Care. 34(10):2306-13, 2011 Oct.
Institution: - MedStar Health Research Institute
Medline publication type:
- Journal Article
- Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural
All authors: - Best LG, Calhoun D, Dixon AE, Lee ET, Marion S, Rhoades ER, Schaefer C, Yeh F, Zhang Y
Circulating Sphingolipids, Insulin, HOMA-IR and HOMA-B: the Strong Heart Family Study. MedStar authors:
- Howard, Barbara V
- Umans, Jason G
Year: 2018
Citation: - Diabetes. 67(8):1663-1672, 2018 08.
Institution: - MedStar Health Research Institute
Medline publication type:
All authors: - Fretts AM, Hari N, Hoofnagle A, Howard BV, Jensen P, King IB, Lemaitre RN, McKnight B, Siscovick DS, Sitlani CM, Sotoodehnia N, Umans JG, Yu C
Insulin resistance, incident cardiovascular diseases, and decreased kidney function among nondiabetic American Indians: the Strong Heart Study. MedStar authors:
- Howard, Barbara V
- Umans, Jason G
Citation: - Diabetes Care. 36(10):3195-200, 2013 Oct.
Institution: - MedStar Health Research Institute
Medline publication type:
- Journal Article
- Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural
All authors: - Ali T, Best LG, de Simone G, Devereux RB, Howard BV, Lee ET, Umans JG, Wang W, Yeh F, Yeh J, Zhang Y