Acute embolization of ruptured brain arteriovenous malformations. MedStar authors:
- Armonda, Rocco A
- Bank, William O
- Bell, Randy S
- Liu, Ai-Hsi
- Stemer, Andrew B
Year: 2013
Citation: - Journal of Neurointerventional Surgery. 5(3):196-200, 2013 May.
Institution: - MedStar Washington Hospital Center
Medline publication type:
All authors: - Armonda RA, Bank WO, Bell RS, Herzig DW, Liu AH, Stemer AB
AST-120 (spherical carbon adsorbent) in the treatment of perianal fistulae in mild-to-moderate Crohn's disease: FHAST-1, a phase 3, multicenter, placebo-controlled study. MedStar authors:
- Shara, Nawar M
- Wang, Hong
Year: 2014
Citation: - Inflammatory Bowel Diseases. 20(5):872-81, 2014 May.
Institution: - MedStar Health Research Institute
Medline publication type:
- Clinical Trial, Phase III
- Journal Article
- Multicenter Study
- Randomized Controlled Trial
- Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
All authors: - Hanauer S, Harris MS, Reinisch W, Shara N, Travis S, Wang H
An examination of survival by sex and race in the HeartWare Ventricular Assist Device for the Treatment of Advanced Heart Failure (ADVANCE) Bridge to Transplant (BTT) and continued access protocol trials. MedStar authors:
- Boyce, Steven W
- Najjar, Samer S
Year: 2015
Citation: - Journal of Heart & Lung Transplantation. 34(6):815-24, 2015 Jun.
Institution: - MedStar Washington Hospital Center
Medline publication type:
- Comparative Study
- Journal Article
- Multicenter Study
All authors: - Aaronson KD, ADVANCE Trial Investigators, Birks EJ, Boyce S, Cotts WG, Hathaway DR, Jacoski MV, McGee EC Jr, Najarian K, Najjar SS, Pagani FD, Slaughter MS
First-trimester risk factors for preeclampsia development in women initiating aspirin by 16 weeks of gestation. MedStar authors:
Year: 2014
- Obstet Gynecol. 123(3):611-7, 2014 Mar.
- Obstetrics & Gynecology. 123(3):611-7, 2014 Mar.
- MedStar Franklin Square Medical Center
- MedStar Harbor Hospital
Department: - Obstetrics and Gynecology
Medline publication type:
- Journal Article
- Multicenter Study
- Observational Study
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
All authors: - Atlas RO, Baschat AA, Blitzer MG, Block-Abraham DM, Doyle LE, Jenkins CB, Kopelman JN, Turan OM
Transvaginal Versus Transabdominal Placement of Synthetic Mesh at Time of Sacrocolpopexy. MedStar authors:
- Carter, Charelle M
- Gutman, Robert E
- Iglesia, Cheryl B
- Nosti, Patrick A
- Park, Amy J
- Sokol, Andrew I
- Tefera, Eshetu
Year: 2016
Citation: - Female Pelvic Medicine & Reconstructive Surgery. 22(3):151-5, 2016 May-Jun
- MedStar Health Research Institute
- MedStar Washington Hospital Center
- Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Obstetrics and Gynecology/Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery
Medline publication type:
All authors: - Carter CM, Gutman RE, Iglesia CB, Nosti PA, Park AJ, Sokol AI, Tefera E
Peritoneal Carcinomatosis of Urachus Origin Treated by Cytoreductive Surgery and Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy (HIPEC): An International Registry of 36 Patients. MedStar authors:
Year: 2018
Citation: - Annals of Surgical Oncology. 25(4):1094-1100, 2018 Apr.
Institution: - Washington Cancer Institute
Medline publication type:
All authors: - Bartlett DL, Glehen O, Goere D, Levine EA, Marolho C, Mercier F, Passot G, PSOGI and BIG RENAPE Groups, Sugarbaker PH, Villeneuve L, Yonemura Y
Results of a prospective phase 2 study of pazopanib in patients with advanced intermediate-grade or high-grade liposarcoma. MedStar authors:
Year: 2017
Citation: - Cancer. 123(23):4640-4647, 2017 Dec 01
Institution: - Washington Cancer Institute
Medline publication type:
All authors: - Chawla SP, Kaiser PE, Milhem MM, Portnoy DC, Priebat DA, Samuels BL, Skubitz KM, Somaiah N, Staddon AP, Stepanski EJ, Walker MS
Plasma Ceramide Species Are Associated with Diabetes Risk in Participants of the Strong Heart Study. MedStar authors:
- Howard, Barbara V
- Umans, Jason G
Year: 2020
Citation: - Journal of Nutrition. 150(5):1214-1222, 2020 05 01.
Institution: - MedStar Health Research Institute
Medline publication type:
All authors: - Fretts AM, Hoofnagle A, Howard BV, Jensen PN, King IB, Lemaitre RN, McKnight B, Siscovick DS, Sitlani C, Sotoodehnia N, Umans J, Yu C
Testis-Sparing Surgery: A Single Institution Experience. MedStar authors:
Year: 2021
Citation: - Urology. 147:192-198, 2021 01.
Institution: - MedStar Washington Hospital Center
Medline publication type:
All authors: - Biles MJ, Cheaib JG, Egan J, Huang MM, Matoso A, Metcalf M, Pierorazio P
Fetal development in women with diabetes: imprinting for a life-time?. MedStar authors:
- Feghali, Maisa N
- Miodovnik, Menachem
Citation: - Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine. 25(1):11-4, 2012 Jan.
- MedStar Health Research Institute
- MedStar Washington Hospital Center
Department: - Obstetrics and Gynecology/Maternal-Fetal Medicine
Medline publication type:
- Journal Article
- Randomized Controlled Trial
- Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural
All authors: - Dolan LM, Feghali M, Khoury JC, Miodovnik M, Rosenn B, Vandyke R
Associations of processed meat and unprocessed red meat intake with incident diabetes: the Strong Heart Family Study. MedStar authors:
- Eilat-Adar, Sigal
- Howard, Barbara V
- Mete, Mihriye
Citation: - American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 95(3):752-8, 2012 Mar.
Institution: - MedStar Health Research Institute
Medline publication type:
- Journal Article
- Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural
All authors: - Beresford SA, Duncan GE, Eilat-Adar S, Fretts AM, Howard BV, McKnight B, Mete M, Siscovick DS, Zhang Y
Use of an intrapericardial, continuous-flow, centrifugal pump in patients awaiting heart transplantation. MedStar authors:
- Boyce, Steven W
- Miller, Leslie W
Citation: - Circulation. 125(25):3191-200, 2012 Jun 26.
Institution: - MedStar Heart & Vascular Institute
Medline publication type:
- Journal Article
- Multicenter Study
- Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
All authors: - Aaronson KD, Acker MA, Anderson AS, Bittman RM, Boyce SW, Cotts WG, Frazier OH, Gregoric ID, Hathaway DR, HeartWare Ventricular Assist Device (HVAD) Bridge to Transplant ADVANCE Trial Investigators, Jeevanandam V, Jessup ML, Kormos RL, Levy WC, Loyalka P, McGee EC, Miller LW, Naftel DC, Pagani FD, Slaughter MS, Teuteberg JJ
Factors associated with pressure ulcer risk in spinal cord injury rehabilitation. MedStar authors:
- Bouchard, Tara
- Brown, Patrick
- DeJong, Gerben
- Hsieh, Ching Hui
Citation: - American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. 93(11):971-86, 2014 Nov.
- MedStar Health Research Institute
- MedStar National Rehabilitation Network
Medline publication type:
- Journal Article
- Observational Study
- Research Support, U.S. Gov't, Non-P.H.S.
All authors: - Ballard P, Bouchard T, Brown P, DeJong G, Horn SD, Hsieh CH, Smout RJ
Impact of intensive glycemic control on the incidence of atrial fibrillation and associated cardiovascular outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (from the Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes Study). MedStar authors:
- Fatemi, Omid
- Yuriditsky, Eugene
Citation: - American Journal of Cardiology. 114(8):1217-22, 2014 Oct 15.
Institution: - MedStar Heart & Vascular Institute
Medline publication type:
- Comparative Study
- Journal Article
- Multicenter Study
- Randomized Controlled Trial
- Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural
All authors: - Basile J, Bigger T, Cushman W, Fatemi O, Goff D, Morgan T, Papademetriou V, Soliman EZ, Thomas A, Tsachris D, Tsioufis C, Yuriditsky E
Ulnar Collateral Ligament Repair With Collagen-Dipped FiberTape Augmentation in Overhead-Throwing Athletes. MedStar authors:
Year: 2019
Citation: - American Journal of Sports Medicine. 47(5):1096-1102, 2019 04.
Institution: - Medstar Franklin Square Medical Center
Medline publication type:
All authors: - Aune KT, Cain EL Jr, Capogna B, Drogosz M, Dugas JR, Emblom BA, Fleisig GS, Jones CM, Looze CA, Rothermich MA, Walters BL