Characteristics and outcomes of breast cancer patients enrolled in the National Cancer Institute Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program sponsored phase I clinical trials. MedStar authors:
- Blackburn, Matthew J
- Lynce, Filipa
Year: 2018
Citation: - Breast Cancer Research & Treatment. 168(1):35-41, 2018 Feb.
- MedStar Washington Hospital Center
- Washington Cancer Institute
Medline publication type:
All authors: - Blackburn MJ, Cai L, Harris P, Isaacs C, Lynce F, Pohlmann PR, Rubinstein L, Wang H
Hematologic safety of palbociclib in combination with endocrine therapy in patients with benign ethnic neutropenia and advanced breast cancer. MedStar authors:
- Blackburn, Matthew J
- Chitalia, Ami
- Dilawari, Asma
- Gallagher, Christopher
- Lynce, Filipa
- Mohebtash, Mahsa
- Tiwari, Shruti R
Year: 2021
Citation: - Cancer. 127(19):3622-3630, 2021 10 01.
- MedStar Franklin Square Cancer Center at Loch Raven Campus
- MedStar Washington Hospital Center
- Washington Cancer Institute
- Hematology & Oncology Fellowship
- Hematology and Oncology
Medline publication type:
All authors: - Abu-Khalaf M, Blackburn MJ, Chitalia A, Dilawari A, Gallagher C, Hahn OM, Isaacs C, Lynce F, Mohebtash M, Pohlmann PR, Shajahan-Haq AN, Tan M, Tiwari SR, Warren R, Wu T, Zhuo R