Differential Activity of PARP Inhibitors in BRCA1- Versus BRCA2-Altered Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer. MedStar authors:
Year: 2021
Citation: - JCO Precision Oncology. 5, 2021.
Institution: - MedStar Union Memorial Hospital
Department: - Internal Medicine Residency
Medline publication type:
All authors: - Adra N, Agarwal N, Aggarwal R, Albany C, Alva AS, Antonarakis ES, Ashkar R, Barata P, Bastos D, Berchuck JE, Bryce A, Cheng HH, Fu W, Holler AE, Kessel A, Marshall CH, Nafissi N, Sartor AO, Smaletz O, Sokolova AO, Sternberg CN, Su C, Taplin ME, Taza F, Vlachostergios PJ, Wang H
Retrospective Cohort Study on the Limitations of Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Screening in Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer. MedStar authors:
Year: 2023
Citation: - JCO Precision Oncology. 7:e2200695, 2023 08.
- Hematology & Oncology Fellowship
- MedStar Georgetown University Hospital/MedStar Washington Hospital Center
Medline publication type:
All authors: - Anderson MJ, Barrows ED, Desai NV, Esplin ED, Hatchell KE, Haverfield EV, Herrera B, Isaacs C, Lucassen A, Nielsen SM, Tung NM