Cardiovascular toxicity after antiangiogenic therapy in persons older than 65 years with advanced renal cell carcinoma. MedStar authors:
Year: 2016
Citation: - Cancer. 122(1):124-30, 2016 Jan 1.
Institution: - MedStar Heart & Vascular Institute
Medline publication type:
- Journal Article
- Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural
All authors: - Atkins MB, Barac A, Freedman AN, Fu AZ, Jang S, Minasian L, Potosky AL, Tsai HT, Zheng C
Cardiovascular Disease After Aromatase Inhibitor Use. MedStar authors:
Year: 2016
Citation: - JAMA Oncology. 2(12):1590-1597, 2016 Dec 01
Institution: - MedStar Heart & Vascular Institute
Medline publication type:
All authors: - Amundsen B, Avila C, Barac A, Chlebowski RT, Chung J, Haque R, Schottinger JE, Shi J, Xu X
Cardiovascular Safety of Lorcaserin in Overweight or Obese Patients. MedStar authors:
Year: 2018
Citation: - New England Journal of Medicine. 379(12):1107-1117, 2018 09 20.
Institution: - MedStar Heart & Vascular Institute
Medline publication type:
All authors: - Bohula EA, Bonaca MP, Brown C, Budaj A, CAMELLIA-TIMI 61 Steering Committee and Investigators, Dhadda S, Fanola CL, Francis B, Garcia-Castillo A, Gupta M, Im K, Inzucchi SE, Keech AC, Kuder J, Leiter LA, McGuire DK, Miao W, Patel T, Perdomo C, Qamar A, Ruff CT, Sabatine MS, Scirica BM, Smith SR, Weissman NJ, White HD, Wiviott SD
Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events and the Timing and Dose of Corticosteroids in Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor-Associated Myocarditis. MedStar authors:
- Barac, Ana
- Forrestal, Brian J
Year: 2020
Citation: - Circulation. 141(24):2031-2034, 2020 06 16.
Institution: - MedStar Heart & Vascular Institute
Medline publication type:
All authors: - Alvi RM, Awadalla M, Barac A, Chen CL, Cohen JV, Ederhy S, Forrestal BJ, Fradley MG, Ganatra S, Groarke JD, Gupta D, Hassan MZO, Heinzerling LM, Jones-O'Connor M, Kirchberger MC, Lyon AR, Mahmood SS, Mahmoudi M, Mandawat A, Murphy SP, Neilan TG, Nohria A, Reynolds KL, Rizvi MA, Rokicki A, Sahni G, Shah SP, Sullivan RJ, Thavendiranathan P, Thuny F, Tocchetti CG, Yang EH, Zatarain-Nicolas E, Zhang L, Zlotoff DA, Zubiri L
Cadmium exposure and incident cardiovascular disease. MedStar authors:
- Howard, Barbara V
- Umans, Jason G
Citation: - Epidemiology. 24(3):421-9, 2013 May.
Institution: - MedStar Health Research Institute
Medline publication type:
- Journal Article
- Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
All authors: - Devereux RB, Francesconi KA, Goessler W, Guallar E, Howard BV, Navas-Acien A, Silbergeld EK, Tellez-Plaza M, Umans JG
Cadmium and cardiovascular risk. MedStar authors:
Citation: - Epidemiology. 24(5):784-5, 2013 Sep.
Institution: - MedStar Health Research Institute
Medline publication type:
- Comment
- Letter
- Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
All authors: - Guallar E, Howard BV, Navas-Acien A, Tellez-Plaza M