Advances in Multimodality Imaging in Cardio-Oncology: JACC State-of-the-Art Review. [Review] MedStar authors:
Year: 2022
Citation: - Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 80(16):1560-1578, 2022 Oct 18.
Institution: - MedStar Heart & Vascular Institute
Medline publication type:
All authors: - ACC Cardio-Oncology and the ACC Imaging Councils, Ayoub C, Baldassarre LA, Barac A, DeCara JM, Dent S, Deswal A, Ganatra S, Ghosh AK, Henry M, Khemka A, Leja M, Liu JE, Lopez-Mattei J, Rudski L, Scherrer-Crosbie M, Villarraga HR, Wong TC, Yang EH, Zaha VG
Risk of cardiovascular adverse events from trastuzumab (Herceptin()) in elderly persons with breast cancer: a population-based study. MedStar authors:
Year: 2014
Citation: - Breast Cancer Research & Treatment. 144(1):163-70, 2014 Feb.
Institution: - MedStar Heart & Vascular Institute
Medline publication type:
- Journal Article
- Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
- Research Support, U.S. Gov't, P.H.S.
All authors: - Barac A, Freedman AN, Fu AZ, Huang CY, Isaacs C, Potosky AL, Tsai HT, Warren JL
Expert consensus for multimodality imaging evaluation of adult patients during and after cancer therapy: a report from the American Society of Echocardiography and the European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging. [] MedStar authors:
Year: 2014
Citation: - European heart journal cardiovascular Imaging. 15(10):1063-93, 2014 Oct.
Institution: - MedStar Heart & Vascular Institute
Medline publication type:
All authors: - Agler DA, Badano LP, Banchs J, Barac A, Cardinale D, Carver J, Cerqueira M, DeCara JM, Edvardsen T, Ewer MS, Flamm SD, Force T, Galderisi M, Ganame J, Griffin BP, Jerusalem G, Ky B, Lancellotti P, Liu JE, Magalhaes A, Marwick T, Plana JC, Sanchez LY, Scherrer-Crosbie M, Sebag IA, Sicari R, Villarraga HR
Vemurafenib-induced DRESS. MedStar authors:
- Jang, Sekwon
- Nasabzadeh, Teresa
- Pichard, Dominique C
- Wenk, Kurt S
Year: 2013
Citation: - JAMA Dermatology. 149(10):1242-3, 2013 Oct.
- MedStar Washington Hospital Center
- Washington Cancer Institute
Medline publication type:
- Case Reports
- Journal Article
All authors: - Jang S, Nasabzadeh T, Pichard DC, Venna SS, Wenk KS
Health-related quality-of-life assessment in CLEOPATRA, a phase III study combining pertuzumab with trastuzumab and docetaxel in metastatic breast cancer. MedStar authors:
Year: 2013
Citation: - Annals of Oncology. 24(10):2630-5, 2013 Oct.
Institution: - Washington Cancer Institute
Medline publication type:
- Clinical Trial, Phase III
- Journal Article
- Randomized Controlled Trial
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
All authors: - Baselga J, Clark E, Cortes J, Im SA, Im YH, Knott A, Pivot X, Ross G, Swain SM
Characteristics and outcomes of breast cancer patients enrolled in the National Cancer Institute Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program sponsored phase I clinical trials. MedStar authors:
- Blackburn, Matthew J
- Lynce, Filipa
Year: 2018
Citation: - Breast Cancer Research & Treatment. 168(1):35-41, 2018 Feb.
- MedStar Washington Hospital Center
- Washington Cancer Institute
Medline publication type:
All authors: - Blackburn MJ, Cai L, Harris P, Isaacs C, Lynce F, Pohlmann PR, Rubinstein L, Wang H
Breast Cancer and Heart Failure. [Review] MedStar authors:
Year: 2019
Citation: - Heart Failure Clinics. 15(1):65-75, 2019 Jan.
Institution: - MedStar Heart & Vascular Institute
Medline publication type:
All authors: - Almuwaqqat Z, Barac A, Meisel JL, Parashar S
Management of cardiac disease in cancer patients throughout oncological treatment: ESMO consensus recommendations. MedStar authors:
Year: 2020
Citation: - Annals of Oncology. 31(2):171-190, 2020 02.
Institution: - MedStar Heart & Vascular Institutena
Medline publication type:
All authors: - Armenian S, Barac A, Blaes A, Calabro MG, Cardinale D, Carver J, Cipolla CM, Curigliano G, de Azambuja E, DeCara J, Dent S, ESMO Guidelines Committee. Electronic address: [email protected], Fradley M, Ganatra S, Harrison E, Herrmann J, Iakobishvili Z, Jordan K, Krone R, Ky B, Lancellotti P, Lenihan D, Lyon AR, Mitchell J, Moslehi J, Orecchia R, Patel A, Porter C, Witteles R, Zamorano JL
Global Longitudinal Strain and Cardiac Events in Patients With Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor-Related Myocarditis. MedStar authors:
- Barac, Ana
- Forrestal, Brian J
Year: 2020
Citation: - Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 75(5):467-478, 2020 02 11.
Institution: - MedStar Heart & Vascular Institute
Medline publication type:
All authors: - Alvi RM, Awadalla M, Bakar RB, Banerji D, Barac A, Chen CL, Cohen JV, Devereux RB, Ederhy S, Forrestal BJ, Fradley MG, Ganatra S, Groarke JD, Gupta D, Hassan MZO, Heinzerling LM, Hung J, Jones-O'Connor M, Kirchberger MC, Lawrence DP, Liu S, Lyon AR, Mahmood SS, Mahmoudi M, Mandawat A, Mercaldo ND, Mulligan CP, Murphy SP, Neilan TG, Nohria A, Picard MH, Reynolds KL, Rizvi MA, Rokicki A, Sahni G, Shah SP, Sullivan RJ, Thavendiranathan P, Thuny F, Tocchetti CG, Zhang L, Zlotoff DA
Defining cardiovascular toxicities of cancer therapies: an International Cardio-Oncology Society (IC-OS) consensus statement. MedStar authors:
Year: 2022
Citation: - European Heart Journal. 43(4):280-299, 2022 01 31.
Institution: - MedStar Heart & Vascular Institutena
Medline publication type:
All authors: - Armenian S, Barac A, Blaes A, Cardinale D, Carver J, Curigliano G, Dent S, Fradley MG, Ganatra S, Herrmann J, Ky B, Lang NN, Lenihan D, Liu JE, Lopez-Fernandez T, Lyon AR, Minotti G, Mitchell JD, Neilan TG, Nohria A, O'Quinn R, Porter C, Pusic I, Reynolds KL, Ruddy KJ, Thavendiranathan P, Valent P