Oral N-acetylcysteine decreases IFN-gamma production and ameliorates ischemia-reperfusion injury in steatotic livers. MedStar authors:
Year: 2022
Citation: - Frontiers in Immunology. 13:898799, 2022.
- MedStar General Surgery Residency
- MedStar Georgetown University Hospital/MedStar Washington Hospital Center
Medline publication type:
- Journal Article
- Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
All authors: - Albanese C, Cui W, Cui Y, Duttargi A, Fishbein TM, Frank BS, He B, Kallakury B, Kang J, Khan K, Kroemer A, Kwon D, Lee Y, Levi M, Li HH, Libby A, Liggett JR, Loh K, Nguyen S, Oza K, Patil D, Ranjit S, Robson SC, Rodriguez O
Transcriptomics of Wet Skin Biopsies Predict Early Radiation-Induced Hematological Damage in a Mouse Model. MedStar authors:
- Alkhalil, Abdulnaser
- Moffatt, Lauren T
- Shupp, Jeffrey W
Year: 2022
Citation: - Genes (Basel). 13(3), 2022 03 18.
- MedStar Health Research Institute
- MedStar Washington Hospital Center
- Firefighters' Burn and Surgical Research Laboratory
- Surgery/Burn Services
Medline publication type:
- Journal Article
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
All authors: - Alkhalil A, Clifford J, Gautam A, Hammamieh R, Jett M, Miller SA, Moffatt LT, Shupp JW
Preclinical safety and electrical performance of novel atrial leadless pacemaker with dual-helix fixation. MedStar authors:
Year: 2022
Citation: - Heart Rhythm. 19(5):776-781, 2022 May.
Institution: - MedStar Heart & Vascular Institute
Medline publication type:
All authors: - Badie N, Banker RS, Breeman K, Cantillon DJ, Doshi R, Eldadah Z, Knops RE, Ligon D, Nee P, Neuzil P, Rashtian M, Rippy MK, Victorine K
MRI roadmap-guided transendocardial delivery of exon-skipping recombinant adeno-associated virus restores dystrophin expression in a canine model of Duchenne muscular dystrophy. MedStar authors:
Year: 2013
Citation: - Gene Therapy. 20(3):274-82, 2013 Mar.
Institution: - MedStar Heart & Vascular Institute
Medline publication type:
- Journal Article
- Research Support, N.I.H., Intramural
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
All authors: - Barbash IM, Bogan JR, Cecchini S, Faranesh AZ, Garcia L, Hoyt RF, Kornegay JN, Kotin RM, Lederman RJ, Li L, Virag T, Yang Y
Transthoracic delivery of large devices into the left ventricle through the right ventricle and interventricular septum: preclinical feasibility. MedStar authors:
Year: 2013
Citation: - Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance. 15:10, 2013.
Institution: - MedStar Heart & Vascular Institute
Medline publication type:
- Journal Article
- Research Support, N.I.H., Intramural
All authors: - Barbash IM, Chen MY, Eckhaus MA, Faranesh AZ, Halabi M, Hansen MS, Kocaturk O, Lederman RJ, Ratnayaka K, Schenke WH, Slack MC, Wilson JR, Wright VJ
Platelet neuropeptide Y is critical for ischemic revascularization in mice. MedStar authors:
- Burnett, Mary Susan
- Epstein, Stephen E
Year: 2013
Citation: - FASEB Journal. 27(6):2244-55, 2013 Jun.
Institution: - MedStar Health Research Institute
Medline publication type:
- Journal Article
- Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural
All authors: - Abe K, Burnett MS, Chalothorn D, Epstein SE, Everhart LM, Faber JE, Kitlinska J, Kuo-Bonde L, Tilan JU, Zukowska Z
Examination of local and systemic in vivo responses to electrical injury using an electrical burn delivery system. MedStar authors:
- Jeng, James C
- Jo, Daniel Y
- Jordan, Marion H
- Leto, Ellen J
- Moffatt, Lauren T
- Randad, Pranay R
- Shupp, Jeffrey W
Year: 2012
Citation: - Journal of Burn Care & Research. 33(1):118-29, 2012 Jan-Feb.
Institution: - MedStar Washington Hospital Center
Medline publication type:
- Comparative Study
- Journal Article
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
All authors: - Hammamieh R, Jeng JC, Jett M, Jo DY, Jordan MH, Leto EJ, Miller SA, Moffatt LT, Nguyen T, Ramella-Roman JC, Randad PR, Shupp JW
Treatment with an oxazolidinone antibiotic inhibits toxic shock syndrome toxin-1 production in MRSA-infected burn wounds. MedStar authors:
- Amundsen, Bethany
- Jo, Daniel Y
- Jordan, Marion H
- Mauskar, Neil A
- Mino, Matthew J
- Moffatt, Lauren T
- Njimoluh, Khadijatou L T
- Ortiz, Rachel T T
- Randad, Pranay R
- Shupp, Jeffrey W
Year: 2013
Citation: - Journal of Burn Care & Research. 34(2):267-73, 2013 Mar-Apr.
Institution: - MedStar Washington Hospital Center
Medline publication type:
- Journal Article
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
All authors: - Amundsen B, Jo DY, Jordan MH, Mauskar NA, Mino MJ, Moffatt LT, Njimoluh KL, Ortiz RT, Randad PR, Shupp JW
d-Propranolol protects against oxidative stress and progressive cardiac dysfunction in iron overloaded rats. MedStar authors:
- Iantorno, Micaela
- Spurney, Christopher F
Year: 2012
Citation: - Canadian Journal of Physiology & Pharmacology. 90(9):1257-68, 2012 Sep.
- MedStar Heart & Vascular Institute
- MedStar Washington Hospital Center
Department: - Neonatology and Pediatrics
Medline publication type:
- Journal Article
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
- Research Support, U.S. Gov't, P.H.S.
All authors: - Chmielinska JJ, Iantorno M, Kramer JH, Mak IT, Spurney CF, Tziros C, Weglicki WB
In vivo comparison of a polymer-free Biolimus A9-eluting stent with a biodegradable polymer-based Biolimus A9 eluting stent and a bare metal stent in balloon denuded and radiated hypercholesterolemic rabbit iliac arteries. MedStar authors:
- Baffour, Richard
- Chan, Rosanna
- Hellinga, David
- Pakala, Rajbabu
- Seabron, Rufus
- Waksman, Ron
Year: 2012
Citation: - Catheterization & Cardiovascular Interventions. 80(3):429-36, 2012 Sep 1.
- MedStar Health Research Institute
- MedStar Heart & Vascular Institute
Medline publication type:
- Comparative Study
- Journal Article
All authors: - Baffour R, Chan R, Hellinga D, Kolodgie F, Pakala R, Seabron R, Su SH, Virmani R, Waksman R
Pleckstrin homology domain-interacting protein (PHIP) as a marker and mediator of melanoma metastasis. MedStar authors:
Year: 2012
Citation: - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 109(18):7067-72, 2012 May 1.
Institution: - Washington Cancer Institute
Medline publication type:
- Journal Article
- Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
All authors: - Bezrookove V, Bienvenu G, Billings P, Climent J, Dar AA, De Semir D, Debs R, Federman S, Haqq C, Kashani-Sabet M, Leong SP, Meyer Tamguney TM, Miller JR 3rd, Nosrati M, Rangel J, Sagebiel RW, Thummala S, Tong S, Venna S
Identification and analysis of in vivo VEGF downstream markers link VEGF pathway activity with efficacy of anti-VEGF therapies. MedStar authors:
Year: 2013
Citation: - Clinical Cancer Research. 19(13):3681-92, 2013 Jul 1.
Institution: - Washington Cancer Institute
Medline publication type:
All authors: - Bais C, Brauer MJ, Chen D, Cheng JH, Chung AS, Clermont AC, Ferrara N, Haley B, Hegde P, James CD, Jubb A, Jurinka SS, Kaminker JS, Koeppen H, Kolumam G, Modrusan Z, Ozawa T, Phillips H, Scherer SJ, Schmidt M, Singh M, Stephan JP, Swain SM, Tam RN, Wu X, Yang SX, Yao J, Yeh RF, Yue P, Zhuang G
Policy decisions on endocrine disruptors should be based on science across disciplines: a response to Dietrich et al. MedStar authors:
Year: 2013
Citation: - Endocrinology. 154(11):3957-60, 2013 Nov.
Medline publication type:
All authors: - Balthazart J, Bikle D, Carpenter DO, Crews D, Czernichow P, Diamanti-Kandarakis E, Dores RM, Gore AC, Grattan D, Hof PR, Hollenberg AN, Lange C, Lee AV, Levine JE, Millar RP, Nelson RJ, Porta M, Poth M, Power DM, Prins GS, Ridgway EC, Rissman EF, Romijn JA, Sawchenko PE, Sly PD, Soder O, Taylor HS, Tena-Sempere M, Vaudry H, Wallen K, Wang Z, Wartofsky L, Watson CS
Policy decisions on endocrine disruptors should be based on science across disciplines: a response to Dietrich et al. MedStar authors:
- Wartofsky, Leonard
- Watson, C S
Year: 2013
Citation: - European Journal of Endocrinology. 169(6):E1-4, 2013 Dec.
Institution: - MedStar Washington Hospital Center
Medline publication type:
All authors: - Balthazart J, Bikle D, Carpenter DO, Crews D, Czernichow P, Diamanti-Kandarakis E, Dores RM, Gore AC, Grattan D, Hof PR, Hollenberg AN, Lange C, Lee AV, Levine JE, Millar RP, Nelson RJ, Porta M, Poth M, Power DM, Prins GS, Ridgway EC, Rissman EF, Romijn JA, Sawchenko PE, Sly PD, Soder O, Taylor HS, Tena-Sempere M, Vaudry H, Wallen K, Wang Z, Wartofsky L, Watson CS
Policy decisions on endocrine disruptors should be based on science across disciplines: a response to Dietrich et al. MedStar authors:
Year: 2013
Citation: - Hormone research in pdiatrics. 80(5):305-8, 2013.
Institution: - MedStar Washington Hospital Center
Medline publication type:
All authors: - Balthazart J, Bikle D, Carpenter DO, Crews D, Czernichow P, Diamanti-Kandarakis E, Dores RM, Gore AC, Grattan D, Hof PR, Hollenberg AN, Lange C, Lee AV, Levine JE, Millar RP, Nelson RJ, Porta M, Poth M, Power DM, Prins GS, Ridgway EC, Rissman EF, Romijn JA, Sawchenko PE, Sly PD, Soder O, Taylor HS, Tena-Sempere M, Vaudry H, Wallen K, Wang Z, Wartofsky L, Watson CS
Policy decisions on endocrine disruptors should be based on science across disciplines: a response to Dietrich et al. MedStar authors:
Year: 2013
Citation: - Andrology. 1(6):802-5, 2013 Nov.
Institution: - MedStar Washington Hospital Center
Medline publication type:
All authors: - Balthazart J, Bikle D, Carpenter DO, Crews D, Czernichow P, Diamanti-Kandarakis E, Dores RM, Gore AC, Grattan D, Hof PR, Hollenberg AN, Lange C, Lee AV, Levine JE, Millar RP, Nelson RJ, Porta M, Poth M, Power DM, Prins GS, Ridgway EC, Rissman EF, Romijn JA, Sawchenko PE, Sly PD, Soder O, Taylor HS, Tena-Sempere M, Vaudry H, Wallen K, Wang Z, Wartofsky L, Watson CS
Prospective multicenter evaluation of the direct flow medical transcatheter aortic valve. MedStar authors:
Year: 2014
Citation: - Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 63(8):763-8, 2014 Mar 4.
Institution: - MedStar Heart & Vascular Institute
Medline publication type:
- Journal Article
- Multicenter Study
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
All authors: - Bijuklic K, Bruschi G, Colombo A, Davidson C, DeMarco F, Fajadet J, Friedrich I, Grube E, Hauptmann KE, Klugmann S, Latib A, Lauterbach M, Lefevre T, Low R, Maisano F, Mullen M, Nickenig G, Redwood S, Schmoeckel M, Schofer J, Sinning JM, Tchetche D, Thomas M, Weissman N, Yap J, Young C
Sex-specific T-cell regulation of angiotensin II-dependent hypertension. MedStar authors:
Year: 2014
Citation: - Hypertension. 64(3):573-82, 2014 Sep.
Institution: - MedStar Health Research Institute
Medline publication type:
- Comparative Study
- Journal Article
- Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
All authors: - Dunn SE, Hay M, Ji H, Li X, Liu J, Sandberg K, Speth RC, Umans JG, Wu X, Zhang MA, Zheng W
Dysferlin regulates cell membrane repair by facilitating injury-triggered acid sphingomyelinase secretion. MedStar authors:
Year: 2014
Citation: - Cell Death & Disease. 5:e1306, 2014.
Institution: - MedStar Washington Hospital Center
Medline publication type:
- Journal Article
- Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
- Research Support, U.S. Gov't, Non-P.H.S.
All authors: - Bashir R, Bhat R, Bigot A, Defour A, Jaiswal JK, Nagaraju K, Van der Meulen JH
Pertuzumab for the treatment of breast cancer. [Review] MedStar authors:
- Lynce, Filipa
- Swain, Sandra M
Year: 2014
Citation: - Cancer Investigation. 32(8):430-8, 2014 Oct.
Institution: - Washington Cancer Institute
Medline publication type:
- Journal Article
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
- Review
Commercially available topical platelet-derived growth factor as a novel agent to accelerate burn-related wound healing. MedStar authors:
- Fidler, Philip
- Jordan, Marion H
- Mauskar, Neil A
- Mino, Matthew J
- Moffatt, Lauren T
- Prindeze, Nicholas J
- Shupp, Jeffrey W
- Travis, Taryn E
Year: 2014
Citation: - Journal of Burn Care & Research. 35(5):e321-9, 2014 Sep-Oct.
Institution: - MedStar Washington Hospital Center
All authors: - Fidler PE, Jordan MH, Mauskar NA, Mino MJ, Moffatt LT, Prindeze N, Shupp JW, Travis TE
Role of non-invasive imaging in the work-up of cardiomyopathies. [Review] MedStar authors:
- Jani, Sandeep
- Singh, Tania
- Srichai, Monvadi B
- Tummala, Lakshmi S
- Young, Raymond K
Year: 2015
Citation: - Current Atherosclerosis Reports. 17(3):486, 2015 Mar.
- MedStar Heart & Vascular Institute
- MedStar Washington Hospital Center
Medline publication type:
All authors: - Jani S, Singh T, Srichai MB, Tummala LS, Young RK
A multimodal assessment of melanin and melanocyte activity in abnormally pigmented hypertrophic scar. MedStar authors:
- Jordan, Marion H
- Moffatt, Lauren T
- Paul, Dereck W
- Prindeze, Nicholas J
- Shupp, Jeffrey W
- Travis, Taryn E
Year: 2015
Citation: - Journal of Burn Care & Research. 36(1):77-86, 2015 Jan-Feb.
Institution: - MedStar Washington Hospital Center
Medline publication type:
- Journal Article
- Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
All authors: - Ghassemi P, Jordan MH, Moffatt LT, Paul DW, Prindeze NJ, Ramella-Roman JC, Shupp JW, Travis TE
Reprint of: policy decisions on endocrine disruptors should be based on science across disciplines: a response to Dietrich et al.[Reprint in Front Neuroendocrinol. 2014 Jan;35(1):2-5; PMID: 24268499] MedStar authors:
Year: 2014
Citation: - Hormones & Behavior. 65(2):190-3, 2014 Feb.
Institution: - MedStar Washington Hospital Center
Medline publication type:
All authors: - Balthazart J, Bikle D, Carpenter DO, Crews D, Czernichow P, Diamanti-Kandarakis E, Dores RM, Gore AC, Grattan D, Hof PR, Hollenberg AN, Lange C, Lee AV, Levine JE, Millar RP, Nelson RJ, Porta M, Poth M, Power DM, Prins GS, Ridgway EC, Rissman EF, Romijn JA, Sawchenko PE, Sly PD, Soder O, Taylor HS, Tena-Sempere M, Vaudry H, Wallen K, Wang Z, Wartofsky L, Watson CS
Beta radiation for renal nerve denervation: initial feasibility and safety. MedStar authors:
- Barbash, Israel M
- Chan, Rosanna
- Randolph, Pamela
- Waksman, Ron
Year: 2013
Citation: - Eurointervention. 9(6):738-44, 2013 Oct.
Institution: - MedStar Washington Hospital Center
Medline publication type:
All authors: - Barbash IM, Chan R, Makuria AT, Randolph P, Virmani R, Waksman R
Biphasic presence of fibrocytes in a porcine hypertrophic scar model. MedStar authors:
- Jordan, Marion H
- Mauskar, Neil A
- Mino, Matthew J
- Moffatt, Lauren T
- Prindeze, Nicholas J
- Shupp, Jeffrey W
- Travis, Taryn E
Year: 2015
Citation: - Journal of Burn Care & Research. 36(3):e125-35, 2015 May-Jun.
Institution: - MedStar Washington Hospital Center
Medline publication type:
- Journal Article
- Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural
All authors: - Ghassemi P, Jordan MH, Mauskar NA, Mino MJ, Moffatt LT, Prindeze NJ, Ramella-Roman JC, Shupp JW, Travis TE
Systemic Delivery of scAAV8-Encoded MiR-29a Ameliorates Hepatic Fibrosis in Carbon Tetrachloride-Treated Mice. MedStar authors:
Year: 2015
Citation: - PLoS ONE [Electronic Resource]. 10(4):e0124411, 2015.
Institution: - MedStar Heart & Vascular Institute
Medline publication type:
- Journal Article
- Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
All authors: - Cameron AM, Chivukula RR, Clark KR, Creamer TJ, Hwang HW, Karhadkar S, Knabel MK, Mendell JT, Montgomery RA, Ramachandran K, Sheikh F, Torbenson M, Warren DS
Sustained Domestic Vector Exposure Is Associated With Increased Chagas Cardiomyopathy Risk but Decreased Parasitemia and Congenital Transmission Risk Among Young Women in Bolivia. MedStar authors:
Year: 2015
Citation: - Clinical Infectious Diseases. 61(6):918-26, 2015 Sep 15.
Institution: - MedStar Heart & Vascular Institute
Medline publication type:
- Journal Article
- Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
All authors: - Abastoflor Mdel C, Bern C, Bozo R, Colanzi R, Do RQ, Galdos-Cardenas G, Gilman RH, Jois M, Kaplinski M, LaFuente C, Marcus R, Pena MS, Rendell VR, Shah V, Valencia E, Verastegui M, Working Group on Chagas Disease in Bolivia and Peru
Efficacy of a mesenchymal stem cell loaded surgical mesh for tendon repair in rats. MedStar authors:
- Kim, Jooyoung
- Molligan, Jeremy
- Schon, Lew C
- Thorpe, Margaret
- Zhang, Zijun
Year: 2014
- J. transl. med.. 12:110, 2014.
- Journal of Translational Medicine. 12:110, 2014.
Institution: - MedStar Union Memorial Hospital
Medline publication type:
- Journal Article
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
All authors: - Davis J, Gill N, Kim J, Molligan J, Nadaud J, Schon LC, Thorpe M, Zhang Z
Intravenous application of CD271-selected mesenchymal stem cells during fracture healing. MedStar authors:
- Molligan, Jeremy
- Schon, Lew C
- Zhang, Zijun
Year: 2014
- J Orthop Trauma. 28 Suppl 1:S15-9, 2014.
- Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma. 28 Suppl 1:S15-9, 2014.
Institution: - MedStar Union Memorial Hospital
- Orthobiologic Laboratory
- Orthopaedic Surgery
Medline publication type:
- Journal Article
- Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
All authors: - Achilefu S, Akers W, Dreger T, Molligan J, Schon LC, Watson JT, Zhang Z
Stem cell-bearing suture improves Achilles tendon healing in a rat model. MedStar authors:
- Adams, Samuel B Jr
- Aghazarian, Gary
- Allen, Elizabeth
- Parks, Brent G
- Schon, Lew C
Year: 2014
- Foot & Ankle International. 35(3):293-9, 2014 Mar.
- Foot Ankle Int. 35(3):293-9, 2014 Mar.
- Curtis National Hand Center
- MedStar Union Memorial Hospital
- Orthopaedic Surgery
- Pathology
Medline publication type:
- Journal Article
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
All authors: - Adams SB Jr, Aghazarian G, Allen E, Parks BG, Schon LC, Thorpe MA
A stereologic study of the plantar fat pad in young and aged rats. MedStar authors:
- Molligan, Jeremy
- Schon, Lew C
- Zhang, Zijun
Year: 2013
Citation: - Journal of Anatomy. 223(5):537-45, 2013 Nov.
Institution: - MedStar Union Memorial Hospital
- Orthobiologic Laboratory
- Orthopaedic Surgery
Medline publication type:
- Journal Article
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
All authors: - Molligan J, Schon L, Zhang Z
SOX10 ablation arrests cell cycle, induces senescence, and suppresses melanomagenesis. MedStar authors:
Year: 2013
Citation: - Cancer Research. 73(18):5709-18, 2013 Sep 15.
Institution: - MedStar Franklin Square Medical Center
Medline publication type:
- Journal Article
- Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
All authors: - Aoude LG, Bastian BC, Cronin JC, Dummer R, Hasskamp JH, Hayward NK, Incao A, Loftus SK, Pavan WJ, Schonewolf N, Watkins-Chow DE
Compression therapy affects collagen type balance in hypertrophic scar. MedStar authors:
- Alkhalil, Abdulnaser
- Carney, Bonnie C
- Johnson, Laura
- Moffatt, Lauren T
- Shupp, Jeffrey W
- Tejiram, Shawn
- Travis, Taryn E
- Zhang, Jenny
Year: 2016
Citation: - Journal of Surgical Research. 201(2):299-305, 2016 Apr.
- MedStar Health Research Institute
- MedStar Washington Hospital Center
Medline publication type:
- Journal Article
- Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
All authors: - Alkhalil A, Carney BC, Johnson LS, Moffatt LT, Shupp JW, Tejiram S, Travis TE, Zhang J
A new approach for optical assessment of directional anisotropy in turbid media. MedStar authors:
- Moffatt, Lauren T
- Shupp, Jeffrey W
Year: 2016
Citation: - Journal of Biophotonics. 9(1-2):100-8, 2016 Jan.
- MedStar Washington Hospital Center
- MedStar Washington Hospital Center
- Surgery/Burn Services
- Surgery/Burn Services
Medline publication type:
All authors: - Ghassemi P, Moffatt LT, Ramella-Roman JC, Shupp JW
Examination of the Early Diagnostic Applicability of Active Dynamic Thermography for Burn Wound Depth Assessment and Concept Analysis. MedStar authors:
- Mauskar, Neil A
- Mino, Matthew J
- Moffatt, Lauren T
- Paul, Dereck W
- Prindeze, Nicholas J
- Shupp, Jeffrey W
- Travis, Taryn E
Year: 2015
Citation: - Journal of Burn Care & Research. 36(6):626-35, 2015 Nov-Dec.
Institution: - MedStar Washington Hospital Center
Medline publication type:
- Journal Article
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
All authors: - Fathi P, Mauskar NA, Mino MJ, Moffatt LT, Paul DW, Prindeze NJ, Shupp JW, Travis TE
Utility of a human-mouse xenograft model and in vivo near-infrared fluorescent imaging for studying wound healing. MedStar authors:
- Shara, Nawar M
- Wang, Hong
Year: 2015
Citation: - International Wound Journal. 12(6):699-705, 2015 Dec.
Institution: - MedStar Health Research Institute
Medline publication type:
- Journal Article
- Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural
All authors: - Attinger C, Baker S, McNish S, Schmidt MO, Shanmugam VK, Shara N, Tassi E, Wang H, Wellstein A
Update on the treatment of hypothyroidism. [Review] MedStar authors:
Year: 2016
Citation: - Current Opinion in Oncology. 28(1):18-25, 2016 Jan.
Institution: - MedStar Washington Hospital Center
Medline publication type:
- Journal Article
- Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural
- Review
Developing New Treatments for Heart Failure: Focus on the Heart. MedStar authors:
Year: 2016
Citation: - Circulation: Heart Failure. 9(5), 2016 May
Institution: - MedStar Health Research Institute
Medline publication type:
All authors: - Butler J, Carr J, Cleland JG, Colucci WS, Crandall D, Deckelbaum LI, Dinh W, Dunnmon P, Epstein SE, Gheorghiade M, Greene SJ, Kim RJ, Krahn T, Kramer F, Larson CJ, Okada S, Parsey RV, Sabbah HN, Senni M, Shah SJ, Sikora S, Stockbridge N, Wahlander K
Repair of Tympanic Membrane Perforations with Customized, Bioprinted Ear Grafts Using Chinchilla Models. MedStar authors:
Year: 2018
Citation: - Tissue engineering. Part A.. 24(5-6):527-535, 2018 03.
Institution: - MedStar Health Research Institute
Medline publication type:
All authors: - Cleary K, Fisher JP, Fuson A, Gandhi N, Jenkins A, Kuo CY, Monfaredi R, Reilly B, Romero M, Santoro M, Wilson E
Hydroconductive and silver-impregnated foam dressings: a comparison. MedStar authors:
- Alkhalil, Abdulnaser
- Carney, Bonnie C
- Day, Anna
- Hoffman, H N
- Moffatt, Lauren T
- Monger, Kyle W
- Shupp, Jeffrey W
- Zhang, J
Year: 2017
Citation: - Journal of Wound Care. 26(Sup7):S15-S22, 2017 Jul 01
- MedStar Health Research Institute
- MedStar Washington Hospital Center
Department: - Burn and Surgical Research Laboratory
Medline publication type:
All authors: - A A, A D, B C C, H N H, J W S, J Z, K W M, L T M
Intravenously-Delivered Mesenchymal Stem Cells: Systemic Anti-Inflammatory Effects Improve Left Ventricular Dysfunction in Acute Myocardial Infarction and Ischemic Cardiomyopathy. MedStar authors:
- Epstein, Stephen E
- Lipinski, Michael J
- Luger, Dror
- Waksman, Ron
- Westman, Peter C
Year: 2017
Citation: - Circulation Research. 120(10):1598-1613, 2017 May 12
- MedStar Health Research Institute
- MedStar Heart & Vascular Institute
Medline publication type:
All authors: - Albelda MT, Dimastromatteo J, Epstein SE, Frias JC, Glover DK, Kharazi A, Lipinski MJ, Luger D, Sikora S, Vertelov G, Waksman R, Westman PC
The repurposed anthelmintic mebendazole in combination with trametinib suppresses refractory NRASQ61K melanoma. MedStar authors:
- Abdussamad, Maryam
- Zapas, John
- Zhou, Hengbo
Year: 2017
Citation: - Oncotarget. 8(8):12576-12595, 2017 Feb 21
Institution: - MedStar Franklin Square Medical Center
Medline publication type:
All authors: - Abdussamad M, Atkins MB, Byers SW, Calvert V, Chen YS, Dakshanamurthy S, Fang HB, Gaur A, Petricoin EF, Rosenthal DS, Simbulan-Rosenthal CM, Zapas J, Zhou H
Effect of Low-Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound on Joint Injury and Post-Traumatic Osteoarthritis: an Animal Study. MedStar authors:
- Bhasin, Priya
- Guo, Yi
- Mitchell, Reed
- Paudel, Sharada
- Schon, Lew C
- Zahoor, Talal
- Zhang, Zijun
Year: 2017
Citation: - Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology. 44(1):234-242, 2018 Jan.
Institution: - MedStar Union Memorial Hospital
- Orthobiologic Laboratory
- Orthopaedic Surgery
Medline publication type:
All authors: - Bhasin P, Guo Y, Mitchell R, Paudel S, Schon L, Zahoor T, Zhang Z
Gerbil bite anaphylaxis - A rare case report. MedStar authors:
- Davis, Jonathan E
- Watson, Jonathan
Year: 2017
Citation: - American Journal of Emergency Medicine. 36(1):171.e5-171.e6, 2018 Jan
Institution: - MedStar Washington Hospital Center
Medline publication type:
All authors: - Davis J, Schobitz E, Watson J
Pet Ownership and Cancer Risk in the Women's Health Initiative. MedStar authors:
Year: 2016
Citation: - Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention. 25(9):1311-6, 2016 Sep
Institution: - Washington Cancer Institute
Medline publication type:
All authors: - Chlebowski RT, Garcia DO, Kuller LH, Lander EM, Lessin LS, Manson JE, Stefanick ML, Thomson CA, Volpe SL, Wertheim BC
CD163+ macrophages promote angiogenesis and vascular permeability accompanied by inflammation in atherosclerosis. MedStar authors:
- Jenkins, Audrey
- Lipinski, Michael J
Year: 2018
Citation: - Journal of Clinical Investigation. 128(3):1106-1124, 2018 03 01.
- MedStar Health Research Institute
- MedStar Heart & Vascular Institute
Medline publication type:
All authors: - Akahori H, Arking DE, Boerwinkle E, Braumann RE, Cao Y, Cheng Q, Chhour P, Choi CU, Cormode DP, de Vries PS, Dickinson MH, Erdmann J, Finn AV, Gannon RL, Grove ML, Guo L, Gupta A, Harari E, Jenkins AL, Jinnouchi H, Karmali V, Kim J, Kolodgie FD, Kutyna MD, Kutys R, Lipinski MJ, Mori H, Morrison AC, Otsuka F, Polavarapu R, Sakamoto A, Sawan MA, Smith SL, Sotoodehnia N, Torii S, Virmani R, Zhang Y
Elastin Is Differentially Regulated by Pressure Therapy in a Porcine Model of Hypertrophic Scar. MedStar authors:
- Alkhalil, Abdulnaser
- Carney, Bonnie C
- Liu, Zekun
- Moffatt, Lauren T
- Shupp, Jeffrey W
- Travis, Taryn E
Year: 2017
Citation: - Journal of Burn Care & Research. 38(1):28-35, 2017 Jan/Feb
- MedStar Health Research Institute
- MedStar Washington Hospital Center
Medline publication type:
All authors: - Alkhalil A, Carney BC, Liu Z, Moffatt LT, Ramella-Roman J, Shupp JW, Travis TE
Active Dynamic Thermography is a Sensitive Method for Distinguishing Burn Wound Conversion. MedStar authors:
- Ardanuy, Jeremy G
- Carney, Bonnie C
- Hoffman, Hilary A
- Moffatt, Lauren T
- Prindeze, Nicholas J
- Shupp, Jeffrey W
- Zhang, Jenny
Year: 2016
Citation: - Journal of Burn Care & Research. 37(6):e559-e568, 2016 Nov/Dec
- MedStar Health Research Institute
- MedStar Washington Hospital Center
- Surgery/Burn Services
- Surgery/Burn Services
Medline publication type:
All authors: - Ardanuy JG, Carney BC, Hoffman HA, Moffatt LT, Prindeze NJ, Shupp JW, Zhang J
Endothelin type A receptors mediate pain in a mouse model of sickle cell disease. MedStar authors:
Year: 2018
Citation: - Haematologica. 103(7):1124-1135, 2018 07.
Institution: - MedStar Southern Maryland Hospital Center
Medline publication type:
- Journal Article
- Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural
All authors: - Atianjoh FE, Fox BM, Gu X, Li Z, Lutz BM, Pollock DM, Tao YX, Wu S
Comparison of Acute Thrombogenicity for Magnesium versus Stainless Steel Stents in a Porcine Arteriovenous Shunt Model. MedStar authors:
- Gai, Jiaxiang
- Hellinga, David
- Lipinski, Michael J
- Torguson, Rebecca
- Waksman, Ron
Year: 2019
Citation: - Eurointervention. 14(13):1420-1427, 2019 Jan 20.
Institution: - MedStar Heart & Vascular Institute
Medline publication type:
All authors: - Acampado E, Adams L, Cheng Q, Finn AV, Gai J, Harder C, Hellinga DG, Joner M, Kolodgie FD, Lipinski MJ, Torguson R, Torii S, Virmani R, Waksman R, Zumstein P
Biologics and Cardiovascular Disease. MedStar authors:
- Lipinski, Michael J
- Van Taunay, John S
Year: 2018
Citation: - Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology. 72(2):77-85, 2018 08.
Institution: - MedStar Heart & Vascular Institute
Medline publication type:
All authors: - Albelda MT, Frias JC, Lipinski MJ, Van Taunay JS
Arterialized Venous Bone Flaps: An Experimental Investigation. MedStar authors:
Year: 2016
Citation: - Scientific Reports. 6:31970, 2016 08 25
Institution: - Curtis National Hand Center
Medline publication type:
- Journal Article
- Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
All authors: - Benlidayi ME, Borumandi F, Buerger H, Gaggl A, Higgins JP, Sencar L, Vasilyeva A
Comparison of Acute Thrombogenicity for Metallic and Polymeric Bioabsorbable Scaffolds: Magmaris Versus Absorb in a Porcine Arteriovenous Shunt Model. MedStar authors:
- Gai, Jiaxiang
- Hellinga, David
- Lipinski, Michael J
- Torguson, Rebecca
- Waksman, Ron
- Westman, Peter C
Year: 2017
Citation: - Circulation: Cardiovascular Interventions. 10(8), 2017 Aug
Institution: - MedStar Heart & Vascular Institute
Medline publication type:
All authors: - Acampado E, Adams L, Cheng Q, Gai J, Hellinga DM, Joner M, Kolodgie FD, Lipinski MJ, Torguson R, Torii S, Virmani R, Waksman R, Westman PC, Zumstein P
Measuring thrombin activity in frozen brain tissue. MedStar authors:
Year: 2017
Citation: - Neuroreport. 28(17):1176-1179, 2017 Dec 06.
Institution: - MedStar Washington Hospital Center
Medline publication type:
All authors: - Chapman J, Golderman V, Harnof S, Reuveni G, Rosman Y, Shavit-Stein E, Shrot S
In vitro induction of T regulatory cells by a methylated CpG DNA sequence in humans: Potential therapeutic applications in allergic and autoimmune diseases. MedStar authors:
Year: 2018
Citation: - Allergy & Asthma Proceedings. 39(2):143-152, 2018 Mar 01.
Institution: - MedStar Health Research Institute
Medline publication type:
All authors: - Bellanti JA, Brown ML, Chen W, Lawless OJ, Sandberg K, Umans JG, Wang J, Wang K, Zheng SG, Zhou L
Pigmentation Diathesis of Hypertrophic Scar: An Examination of Known Signaling Pathways to Elucidate the Molecular Pathophysiology of Injury-Related Dyschromia. MedStar authors:
- Alkhalil, Abdulnaser
- Carney, Bonnie C
- Chen, Jason H
- Jo, Daniel Y
- Luker, Jenna N
- Moffatt, Lauren T
- Rosenthal, Dean S
- Shupp, Jeffrey W
- Simbulan-Rosenthal, Cynthia M
- Travis, Taryn E
Year: 2019
Citation: - Journal of Burn Care & Research. 40(1):58-71, 2019 01 01.
Institution: - MedStar Health Research Institute
- Firefighters' Burn and Surgical Research Laboratory
- Surgery/Burn Services
Medline publication type:
All authors: - Alkhalil A, Carney BC, Chen JH, Jo DY, Luker JN, Moffatt LT, Rosenthal DS, Shupp JW, Simbulan-Rosenthal CM, Travis TE
Pathological Remodeling of Mitral Valve Leaflets from Unphysiologic Leaflet Mechanics after Undersized Mitral Annuloplasty to Repair Ischemic Mitral Regurgitation. MedStar authors:
Year: 2018
Citation: - Journal of the American Heart Association. 7(21):e009777, 2018 Nov 06.
Institution: - MedStar Heart & Vascular Institute
Medline publication type:
All authors: - Corporan D, Guyton RA, Kalra K, Padala M, Sarin EL, Shi W, Sielicka A, Sulejmani F, Sun W, Thourani VH
Intravenous administration of multipotent stromal cells and bone allograft modification to enhance allograft healing. MedStar authors:
- Lee, Moses
- Lee, Wen
- Mitchell, Reed
- Paudel, Sharada
- Schon, Lew C
- Zahoor, Talal
- Zhang, Zijun
Year: 2019
Citation: - Regenerative Medicine. 14(3):199-211, 2019 03.
- MedStar Union Memorial Hospital
- MedStar Washington Hospital Center
- Orthobiologic Laboratory
- Orthopaedic Surgery
- Pathology
Medline publication type:
All authors: - Lee M, Lee WH, Mitchell R, Paudel S, Schon L, Yang SY, Zahoor T, Zhang Z, Zhao H
Enterobius vermicularis Appendiceal Colic. MedStar authors:
Year: 2019
Citation: - Journal of Laparoendoscopic & Advanced Surgical Techniques. Part A. 29(5):717-719, 2019 May.
Institution: - MedStar Washington Hospital Center
Medline publication type:
All authors: - Chahine AA, Kent JR, Sosin M
Reactive Oxygen Species Scavenging Potential Contributes to Hypertrophic Scar Formation. MedStar authors:
- Alkhalil, Abdulnaser
- Carney, Bonnie C
- Chen, Jason H
- Kent, Rhett A
- Moffatt, Lauren T
- Rummani, Maha
- Shupp, Jeffrey W
Year: 2019
- Journal of Surgical Research. 244:312-323, 2019 12.
- Journal of Surgical Research. 244:312-323, 2019 Jul 11.
- MedStar Health Research Institute
- MedStar Washington Hospital Center
- Dermatology
- Firefighters' Burn and Surgical Research Laboratory
- Surgery/Burn Services
- Surgery/Burn Services
Medline publication type:
All authors: - Alkhalil A, Carney BC, Chen JH, Kent RA, Moffatt LT, Rosenthal DS, Rummani M, Shupp JW
Simvastatin induces autophagic flux to restore cerulein-impaired phagosome-lysosome fusion in acute pancreatitis. MedStar authors:
Year: 2019
Citation: - Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular Basis of Disease. 1865(11):165530, 2019 11 01.
Institution: - MedStar Washington Hospital Center
Medline publication type:
All authors: - Andres AM, de Freitas Germano J, Gaisano HY, Gottlieb RA, Gulla A, Hou J, Lugea A, Marek-Iannucci S, Pandol SJ, Piplani H, Saadaeijahromi H, Sharma A, Sin J, Song Y, Takahashi T, Waldron RT, Wu B
Dedicated Closure Device for Transcaval Access Closure: From Concept to First-in-Human Testing. MedStar authors:
- Babaliaros, Vasilis C
- Khan, Jaffar M
- Rogers, Toby
- Satler, Lowell F
- Waksman, Ron
Year: 2019
Citation: - Jacc: Cardiovascular Interventions. 12(21):2198-2206, 2019 11 11.
Institution: - MedStar Heart & Vascular Institute
Medline publication type:
All authors: - Babaliaros VC, Chen MY, Eng MH, Greenbaum AB, Khan JM, Lederman RJ, Leshnower BG, Paone G, Rogers T, Satler LF, Schenke WH, Stine AM, Waksman R
Second-Generation Drug-Eluting Resorbable Magnesium Scaffold: Review of the Clinical Evidence. [Review] MedStar authors:
- Garcia-Garcia, Hector M
- Hideo-Kajita, Alexandre
- Ozaki, Yuichi
- Shlofmitz, Evan
- Waksman, Ron
Year: 2020
Citation: - Cardiovascular Revascularization Medicine. 21(1):127-136, 2020 01.
Institution: - MedStar Heart & Vascular Institute
Medline publication type:
All authors: - Garcia-Garcia HM, Hideo-Kajita A, Ozaki Y, Shlofmitz E, Waksman R
Heart Failure in Relation to Tumor-Targeted Therapies and Immunotherapies. [Review] MedStar authors:
- Agunbiade, Tolulope A
- Barac, Ana
- Zaghlol, Raja
Year: 2019
Citation: - Methodist DeBakey cardiovascular journal. 15(4):250-257, 2019 Oct-Dec.
- MedStar Heart & Vascular Institutena
- MedStar Union Memorial Hospital
- MedStar Washington Hospital Center
- Cardio-Oncology
- Medicine/Internal Medicine
Medline publication type:
All authors: - Agunbiade TA, Barac A, Zaghlol RY
Heart Failure in Relation to Anthracyclines and Other Chemotherapies. [Review] MedStar authors:
- Agunbiade, Tolulope A
- Barac, Ana
- Zaghlol, Raja
Year: 2019
Citation: - Methodist DeBakey cardiovascular journal. 15(4):243-249, 2019 Oct-Dec.
- MedStar Heart & Vascular Institutena
- MedStar Union Memorial Hospital
- MedStar Washington Hospital Center
- Cardio-Oncology
- Medicine/Internal Medicine
Medline publication type:
All authors: - Agunbiade TA, Barac A, Zaghlol RY
Novel emerging therapies in atherosclerosis targeting lipid metabolism. [Review] MedStar authors:
Year: 2020
Citation: - Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs. 29(6):611-622, 2020 Jun.
Institution: - MedStar Union Memorial Hospital
Medline publication type:
All authors: - Aronow WS, Bandyopadhyay D, Blumenthal C, Chatterjee S, Ghosh RK, Gupta M, Jain V, Lavie CJ, Ray KK, Virani SS
Blood RNA Integrity is a Direct and Simple Reporter of Radiation Exposure and Prognosis: A Pilot Study. MedStar authors:
- Alkhalil, Abdulnaser
- Ball, Robert
- Carney, Bonnie C
- Chan, Rossana
- Day, Anna
- Moffatt, Lauren T
- Shupp, Jeffrey W
Year: 2020
Citation: - Radiation Research. 193(6):543-551, 2020 06 01.
- MedStar Health Research Institute
- MedStar Washington Hospital Center
- Firefighters' Burn and Surgical Research Laboratory
- Radiology
- Surgery/Burn Services
Medline publication type:
All authors: - Alkhalil A, Ball R, Campbell R, Carney BC, Chan R, Clifford JL, Day A, Gautam A, Hammamieh R, Kumar R, Miller SA, Moffatt LT, Shupp JW
Myiasis due to Cordylobia anthropophaga. MedStar authors:
- Dass, Krishna
- Yasukawa, Kosuke
Year: 2020
Citation: - American Journal of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene. 102(2):251, 2020 02.
Institution: - MedStar Washington Hospital Center
- Medicine/Hospitalist
- Medicine/Internal Medicine
Medline publication type: